Tag Archives: Chicago movers

Chicago Movers Think Environmental For Earth Month

Welcome back to the W.M Meyers Movers, Inc. weekly blog update, where we discuss all things home and moving. To continue with our theme from last week: National Earth Month, today we thought we would talk about sustainability within the home. There are many ways that Chicago movers can be conscious of the environment within their homes, without needing to change lifestyles. We will mention a few of them for you, to get the conversation started.

  1. Start a compost – If you have a yard, start a pile back away from the house. You can keep a container with a lid in your kitchen and put any compostable material into it (fruit/vegetable matter, egg shells, leftover grains – anything except meat and processed foods). If you don’t have a yard, find somebody local with a garden or a farm that you can bring your material to once a week. Composted material is great for a garden, and great for the earth!
  2. Be conscious of paper/plastic bags – Reuse paper and stay away from plastic! Plastic is harmful to the environment and does not decompose. You can also buy a reusable bag in the grocery store, which you can use each time you go shopping.
  3. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs – they screw into the typical light bulb socket, but use far less electricity. You won’t need to change them as often!
  4. Install a solar water-heater – It is both energy effective and cost effective!
  5. Recycle! – Separate your recyclables from your garbage. If you don’t get recycling picked up regularly, set a goal to drop off your cans and boxes a couple of times a month to a local recycling center. It makes a difference!

There are many other ways to take steps towards living a more environmentally friendly life. Do some of your own research if you’re interested! Conducting sustainable projects is a great way to get the whole family involved, and make your home a better place to live.

Happy Earth Month!

W.M Meyers Movers, Inc., Your Trusted Chicago Movers

Chicago Movers Celebrate National Earth Month

Welcome back to the WM Meyers Movers Inc. weekly blog update, where we discuss all things moving! As your trusted Chicago movers, we’d like to take a moment to discuss the great outdoors! April is National Earth month, and as spring is now well underway, we thought we’d talk about earth-related activities that you can consider in the new season.

If you’ve just moved, now is the perfect time to explore your new surroundings. Are there any parks nearby that you haven’t been to yet? Have you checked out your local farmer’s market? These are great things to look into if you’re new to an area. Try going on a picnic or taking a walk. Go see what you can find in and around your new town. Farmer’s markets and flea markets are great opportunities to go meet your new neighbors and community members.

What about planting a garden in your new back yard, patio, or deck pots? Whether you are growing crops or just simply eating them (if you’ve been to the farmer’s market), here is a great guide of when to harvest different crops depending on where you are. You can also search for local farmers depending on your location! http://www.pickyourown.org/US_crop_harvest_calendars.php

April is National Earth month, so as your trusted Chicago movers, we’re encouraging you to go and get outside! If you’re planning an upcoming move but haven’t moved yet, you can still look up these things ahead of time so that you have something to do once you get to your new town. Go online and look up local fun things to do wherever you’re going. Check to see which day the market is and look up local festivals.

Happy spring!

WM Meyers Movers, Inc., your trusted Chicago movers

Chicago Movers Get Ahead With Springtime Moving Plans

Thinking about your springtime move? Looking for a reliable moving company to assist you? At WM. Meyers Movers, Inc., we are always proud to serve our community of Chicago movers. With the busiest moving season upon us, we are getting ready and prepared with our staff and in our offices to do our tasks quickly and efficiently. We are ready for spring, are you?

 Here are some things Chicago movers can do to prepare for a move:

  • Choose your moving company:

Look for a ProMover certified moving company to ensure you are working with a legitimate mover and protect you from moving fraud. Make sure that the company you go with is properly insured.

  • Book your move in advanced:

Spring jumpstarts the busiest season of the year! Book your mover in advanced to ensure that you get the scheduled move you need with the mover you want.

  • Do a home clean-out:

You don’t want to be bringing unwanted belongings to your new home that will just take up space and increase the cost of your move. Throw it out, recycle, or donate!

  • Start packing early:

Pick up packing supplies and pack a little at a time. Get as much done as you can early so that by the time moving week comes, you’re not scrambling.

We have worked with a lot of Chicago movers over the years, and we know what it’s like to have a rushed move, it is no fun! That is why we highly suggest planning ahead, and starting early. Don’t have time to pack? Don’t worry! WM. Meyers Movers, Inc. offer professional packing services for those Chicago movers who are too busy. Just give us a call today to inquire.

Good luck!

WM. Meyers Movers, Inc., your trusted Chicago Movers

Chicago Movers Celebrate Hearth and Health

Welcome back to WM Meyers Movers, Inc.,  news! February is American Heart Month, and we hope that all of our valued Chicago movers are in good health. In this issue, we’d like to discuss some great ways to stay healthy and happy at the close of the winter. We understand that it’s easy to go through cycles of feeling sluggish or lazy, but we also know that moving to a new place offers the opportunity to form new habits and new hobbies. Take a moment to think about what kinds of habits you are pursuing and if they are working for you.

Get outside – Spring is right around the corner. It doesn’t matter what the weather is like, the sun is getting stronger each day. Go soak up some of that vitamin D! Take a walk with the family, or plan a weekend trip for the spring. Springtime is the best time of year to go camping, biking, or hiking. If you like any of those activities, take advantage of the season. If not, find something else that you can do outdoors.

Organize your kitchen – Whether you’ve just moved, are planning on moving, or just want to do some spring cleaning, see what kinds of things you have stashed away in your cabinets, is it nutritious? Plan some healthy meals for the week. Keep your body strong by eating foods that are scientifically proven to be beneficial for your heart, such as oatmeal and salmon.

Check in with your doctor. If you’re new in town, look up the different health resources that are available to you on the internet or through your local community center. Do you need to find a new family doctor? Are you thinking about joining an exercise or yoga class but don’t know where to go? Do some research on places to go for healthcare and well-being in your new area. If you haven’t moved recently, it may still be a good idea to schedule a physical if you haven’t had one recently and always a good time to discover a new healthy hobby.

We value each and every one of our Chicago movers. Finish out the winter strong, and check in with yourself and your family about health. The American Heart Association is a great resource if you want to learn more about healthy habits to keep your heart strong.

Good Health and Happiness,

WM Meyers Movers, Inc., Your Trusted Chicago Movers

Chicago Movers Take Inventory This Winter

With the new year in full swing, it’s easy to get bogged down with the January blues and boredom. But there is plenty to do for Chicago movers who will be relocating in the upcoming months.  Winter is a great time for evaluating what you have, organizing, and purging to prepare for a spring move in Chicago. The quiet darker days of winter are perfect for an inventory of our possessions. Take advantage of this time this January to get ahead on your future move preparations.

See what you can clear out of your house from the holiday season. Sift through that attic. Go through each room and see what you can get rid of or consolidate. You can even begin to pack up the things you know you will not be using before your move. Stock up on packing materials now so you have everything you need at your fingertips.

Check out the packing tips we provide for our Chicago movers.

Getting the whole family involved is a fun way to get rid of unwanted clutter. It can be a great opportunity to teach your children about sorting and purging as you help them sort through their own closets and drawers. Treat everyone to some hot cocoa or popcorn and movie at the end of the busy inventory day to celebrate your accomplishments! Come spring, you will be ready to box up and move out without a hassle, all while saving money because you won’t be paying to move things you no longer need or want. WM Meyers Movers is always here to help with tips for moving and all of your Chicago moving and storage needs. Good Luck!


Chicago Movers Beware of Theft during Move Process

Tis the season. Thieves are looking for homes to hit.  There are times when your home is more vulnerable to theft. Meyers Movers wants our Chicago movers to be on the lookout and protect their homes throughout their move process.

There have been unfortunate news stories around the country of thieves pulling vans up to homes with sold signs and clearing them out when the owners are not at home. Neighbors will not notice that something is off unless they are informed. To an uninformed neighbor, it might just look like your moving out day but could actually be a thief getting away with the contents of your home. Protect yourself. Once your home sells, please inform your neighbors of your move date. Give them your cell phone number so that if they notice anything suspicious ahead of that date, they can contact you and let you know what is going on.

Another vulnerable time for your home is if you have to move out before it sells or after it sells but before settlement day.  Even if you have taken all of your personal belongings with you, thieves may target your empty house for appliances, fixtures and even copper piping. Again, having at least 1 or 2 neighbors who can keep an eye on your property can make all the difference in protecting your property from theft and vandalism. If you have home security, continuing paying for monitoring until closing.  It is also a good idea to contact your local police department as well so that when they do their regular rounds in your neighborhood, they can keep an extra eye on your property.

If you are having construction done on the home after you move out to prepare it for sale or as a contingency of sale, make sure your neighbors are informed about when contractors will be there and the companies they represent. They can always give you a call if they are not sure about someone who is “working” in your home.

Meyers Movers wants our Chicago movers informed and protected from theft during the move process. Chances are you will have nothing to worry about and that is what we hope for you. Be safe and be proactive against theft. Good luck throughout your move and remember we are here for all of your moving and storage needs.

Recent Chicago Movers and Crime Prevention

October is National Crime Prevention Week. Since 1984, the National Crime Prevention Council has designated October as the month to promote awareness and education surrounding crime prevention. Meyers Movers would like to take this opportunity to discuss this topic with our recent Chicago movers. Being aware and proactive is your best defense against crime.

Moving to a new area is a huge undertaking and probably the busiest time of your life.  It can be all too easy to put off thinking about all kinds of things that have to do with your new home as you tackle the tasks in front of you. Recent Chicago movers certainly have plenty to do. October is here and speaking loud and clear about National Crime Prevention.  We hope you are listening.

It is important after moving to take the time to know your home, surroundings, your neighbors and the resources available to you about safety in your unique community. Certainly home security merits your immediate attention.  We suggest our recent Chicago movers use this Checklist for Home Security provided by the National Crime Prevention Council.  When your mind is flooded with post moving details, this is a really simple way to organize and stay on top of home security in your new residence.

After you have seen to home security issues, you will want to turn your attention to your community.  Perhaps October is a great time to visit your new local police department to inquire about Crime Prevention events in your town and gather information about safety issues and concerns in your new community. If you have school age children, schools often acknowledge Crime Prevention Week with activities at school and/or delivering communications about community events. There may be opportunities to volunteer and get involved in community safety activities and events and what a great way to meet new people and feel a strong part of your new community. Check out this list of articles provided by the National Crime Prevention Council that are all related to Neighborhood Safety.

There are so many issues involved in crime prevention we want to be sure you are aware of them. We encourage our recent Chicago movers to connect with all the crime prevention programs offered through NCPC. Their entire site shares a wealth of information surrounding this important topic.

Meyers Movers wish all of our recent Chicago movers a happy and safe new home experience. Celebrate National Crime Prevention Month along with us. Be safe!

Chicago Movers Recognize National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in the US Department of Homeland Security. The month serves to educate Americans on how to prepare for all types of emergencies, including natural disasters and possible terrorist attacks. Whether you are Chicago movers about to move or have moved recently, Meyers Movers wants to bring National Preparedness information to your front door.

Moving to a new area will present many unknowns that will be understood in time as you settle in and adjust. At Meyers Movers, we think understanding the risk of certain disasters occurring in your new community is one unknown Chicago movers will want to understand before or shortly after a move so that you can be prepared as soon as possible.

We encourage Chicago movers to join us for this eleventh annual National Preparedness Month by knowing the risks for disasters in your new area and preparing for them. We have compiled this list of informative internet articles to educate our Chicago movers and help them take the steps necessary to be prepared. We hope you take some time to read over the many resources for protecting yourself, your family and your home in case of an emergency.

Stay informed and be prepared in case of a disaster. National Preparedness Month reminds us to and shows us how. Meyers Movers wish all of our Chicago movers the very best in your new homes and communites!